Should You Sue If The Airbag Fails To Deploy?

The airbag needs to deploy so that you won't be injured in a car accident. However, in some cases, the airbag does not deploy properly. Whichever motorist is responsible for the accident will have partial blame, but if the airbag did not deploy properly, the auto manufacturer might also be to blame. Airbags Don't Always Have to Deploy To have a claim against the airbag manufacturer, you will need to prove that the airbag should have deployed under those circumstances but did not. Read More 

Was Your Teen Hurt Badly In An Auto Accident They Can’t Remember? Get A Lawyer Fast

If your teen was badly hurt in an accident and they currently can't remember the accident because of injuries, you want to get legal representation. If people that where there at the scene of the accident say that your teen was hit by a driver that wasn't watching the road, was speeding, or was doing something illegal, you need to get a lawyer that will fight for you. These cases can be time-sensitive because of evidence that is needed for the case. Read More 

Things You Should Do In The Event You Are Involved In A Slip-And-Fall Accident Inside A Store

It is a good idea to make sure that you are well aware of the things that you need to do in the event you are ever personally involved in a slip-and-fall accident inside of a store. The more you know about what you should do, the easier it will be for your accident attorney to help you with your legal case should it get to that point. To help make sure that you are well aware of what your next steps should be, check out the following: Read More 

Collecting Judgment from a Defendant After Winning an Injury Case

If you are pursuing a personal injury case, you should know that your work won't be done after winning the case. You still need to collect your judgment from the defendant, which can be tricky if the defendant is not willing to hand over the money. Below are some tips to help you out in such a case. Instigate Post-Judgment Discovery If the defendant is difficult or claims they don't have money, then the first step is to start a post-judgment discovery process. Read More 

The 3 Main Types Of Wrongful Death Claims

Seeing that someone close to you has died because another person or organization failed to prevent it is one of the most upsetting of all possible experiences. You may want seek justice by hiring a wrongful death attorney. Before you do so, it's a good idea to become familiar with the three basic types of claims you might be able to pursue. Negligence This sort of claim arises from a failure of a party that was negligent but wasn't ill-intended toward the deceased. Read More