Businesses will sometimes require that you sign a waiver when you enter their property. The waiver might clarify that you assume risk when entering the property and are designed to protect the property owner from lawsuits. However, there are many liability waivers that are not enforceable and you may still be entitled to compensation with the help of a great slip and fall lawyer.
When a Liability Waiver Is Not Enforceable
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Slip-and-fall accidents result in numerous emergency room visits every year. These accidents can cause a variety of different injuries, including broken bones, head injuries, and bruises. Unfortunately, many of these accidents are the result of another party's negligence. Here are some of the most common negligence-related causes of slip-and-fall accidents.
Wet Surfaces
Wet surfaces account for a large number of slip-and-fall accidents. For example, if there is a liquid spill on the floor at a grocery store and a customer walks over it, he or she can trip and fall.
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Many professionals have a legal team that works on their behalf. This is especially important for businesses that regularly utilize contracts or enter into agreements. When there's an agreement, there's always the chance for it to be broken by one or both parties. Thankfully, though, business transaction lawyers exist to help with these types of dealings. And, even if you're not a business owner, turning to one of these professionals can often be useful, especially when a deal goes sour.
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You might notice warning signs of nursing home abuse such as bruises, malnutrition, or changes in behavior, but proving that your loved one is being abused can be notoriously difficult. You will need to obtain evidence that can quickly disappear as a nursing home attempts to cover up what happened.
Why Nursing Home Cases Are So Difficult
One of the challenges of nursing home cases is that the patient is aware of who was responsible for his injuries.
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Being unable to work full time can cause a great deal of stress and uncertainty. Disabilities due to a chronic health condition, injury, or genetic disease can make it impossible to work consistently enough to provide a full time income. Many people are urged to apply for disability benefits from their family, friends, or in some cases their medical providers. Starting the process for filing for disability benefits alone is not always easy due to the paperwork involved.
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