Six Assumptions You Shouldn’t Make About Hiring An Auto Accident Attorney

It's important to get in touch with an auto accident attorney if you have been involved in an accident and are wondering if you should legally pursue compensation for the resulting costs. Don't make incorrect assumptions that discourage you from seeking an auto accident attorney's services.

The following are six assumptions you shouldn't make about hiring an auto accident attorney. 

An auto accident attorney won't be able to do anything for you without a police report.

While a police report can be a helpful asset when you're seeking compensation for auto accident damages, that doesn't mean that you absolutely must have one to succeed in a lawsuit. You should discuss your situation with an auto accident attorney before assuming that you have no case without a police report. 

An auto accident attorney is useless to you in hit-and-run accident situations.

Some individuals involved in an auto accident think that they can't pursue compensation in a hit-and-run situation. While it's true that you can't pursue compensation from the other party involved in the accident if you don't have his or her identity, you can hire an auto accident attorney to pursue compensation from your insurance company. 

An auto accident attorney is useless in an accident with an uninsured driver.

A motorist who causes an accident can't necessarily get out of financial responsibility just because he or she is not insured. You can sue the motorist who was at fault in your accident for compensation if he or she wasn't carrying insurance coverage at the time. 

It's too late to hire an auto accident attorney.

You have a limited period of time after an auto accident to file a lawsuit. However, you should always check the statute of limitations in your state before assuming that it's too late for you to hire an auto accident attorney. You may find that you still have time to pursue the case with the help of an attorney. 

Any attorney can handle an auto accident case.

If you are hiring an attorney for an auto accident case, it's always best to hire an attorney who specializes in these types of cases. The more experience your attorney has in auto accident cases, the better off you will be. 

Only greedy people hire auto accident attorneys.

Clients should never feel guilty about hiring an auto accident attorney. It benefits society when those who are responsible for auto accident damages are held accountable and made to pay the full amount of what's rightfully owed to the victim. 

For more information, contact an auto accident attorney.
